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Pain 2 Purpose Coaching System

Melissa Walker-Johnson is the President and Founder of W.O.W. Ministries, LLC. In 2020, she expanded her brand to include WOW Coaching and Consultant, a life coaching company created to assist clients on their journey from Pain to Purpose. In 2021, she received her certification as a Life Coach at IAP Career College. She is also an ordained and licensed Minster in the state of Michigan and North Carolina.


I have created a system that will take those who are passionate about pursuing their purpose on an 8-week discovery journey. This journey will make 4 transformational stops. The first stop will help you identify what is preventing you from knowing who you are and how you were designed and get you to the ordained destination.


The next stop will awaken the passion within you to set your soul on fire. It will help you to identify what it is you were called to do. The most important stop on the journey is called purpose. This stop will direct you to why you were created and what is your reason for living. It will open up your eyes to how and what the creator wants you to do. The last stop is you walking out your purpose passionately. I called this stop…Personal Success!


There is a world out there waiting for you to spring forth into your calling. You were born for this reason now let’s go on the journey and change the course of history.

P2p Coaching

“Life without purpose is painful, but discovering the root of your pain will free you to walk out your purpose passionately. The Mission of the Pain to Purpose Program is to assist client’s no matter what stage of life to discover the who that leads to the why- purposeful life.”


 - Melissa Johnson
Certified Career Coach


                        The WOW Promise



     This is the step on your journey where I                       commit to helping you stop riding

                and start driving…So that!


So that…You are accountable on your journey

So that…You are vulnerable on your journey

So that…You are transformed on your journey

I will walk with you so are able to drive!


                       Book Free Consultation

                               to start your                                                Journey towards Personal Success!

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